Changes in opening hours in Efling´s office in Guðrúnartún

From February 1st Efling‘s opening hours will change in Guðrúnartún 1. The change in hours is to enable us to better service those members who contact us through email and My Pages, which has increased exponentially over the last few years.

The opening hours will be:

Monday – Thursday 09:00 – 15:00.

Fridays 09:00 – 14:00.

The opening hours of the Efling office in Hveragerði are as before from 09:00 – 14:00 on Wednesdays.

Members are always able to contact Efling via e-mail [,, or] or by phone at 510 7500. We encourage our members to direct labour rights matters to our new labour rights division e-mail and for companies and institutions to contact us at

We encourage Efling members to contact us through the means that suits them best at each given time and we encourage the use of My Pages on where members can apply for grants, summerhouses, view their premiums and more.

Kind regards

Efling´s staff