Educational fund
The educational funds with which Efling is affiliated are 4 in number. Starfsafl is for people working in the private sector (The Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise – SA), Flóamennt is for those who work for the state and nursing homes, Fræðslusjóður Eflingar og Reykjavíkurborgar is for those who are employed by the City of Reykjavík and Fræðslusjóður Eflingar, Kópavogsbæjar og Seltjarnanesbæjar is for those employed by Kópavogur and Seltjarnarnes.
Queries may be submitted via fraedslusjodur@efling.is
Courses and training
Many courses are open to Efling members. Check what’s available.
Guidance- and education-counseling
The members of Efling – union can book an interview with the guidance and education counselors of Mímir, free of charge.