Delegate council

A Delegate Council shall operate within the Union, and it has the supreme power in the Union’s matters between Board meetings, unless otherwise is stated in the Union’s bylaws. The Union’s Board members sit in the Delegate Council, together with 115 Union members’ delegates. A complete Delegate Council has 130 members. The electoral term for the Delegate Council is two years and it starts on January 1st following an election.

Delegate Council meetings are held once a month. The schedule of meetings can be seen here below.

Delegate council of Efling 2023-2024

  1. Adrian Stoenescu
  2. Aðalsteinn D Stefánsson
  3. Agla Rún Sverrisdóttir
  4. Alexis Mae Leonar
  5. Alicja Anna Laczny
  6. Almaz Lemma Habte
  7. Andrea Jóhanna Helgadóttir
  8. Andrew David Jónuson
  9. Anna Björk Ágústsdóttir
  10. Anna Sigurlína Tómasdóttir
  11. Artur Bucko
  12. Ásthildur J L Kolbeins
  13. Barbara Maria Sawka
  14. Benedikt Birgisson
  15. Benitha Oaes
  16. Berglind Rut Terrazas
  17. Bjarni Atlason
  18. Bjarni Jóhannesson
  19. Bjartmar Freyr Jóhannesson
  20. Björn Páll Fálki Valsson
  21. Bozena Bronislawa Raczkowska
  22. Bozena Helena Kasperowicz
  23. Daníel Sprettur Guðmundsson
  24. Dariusz Rodak
  25. Elena Daniela Surdu
  26. Elín Björk Magnúsdóttir
  27. Emil Erlingur Jónsson
  28. Flora Fernandez Agullo
  29. Freyr Jóhannsson
  30. Friðjón Víðisson
  31. Fríða Johanna Hammer
  32. Greta Íris Karlsdóttir
  33. Gréta Guðný Snorradóttir
  34. Grétar Sigurðsson
  35. Guðmunda Valdís Helgadóttir
  36. Guðmundur Ingi Þóroddsson
  37. Guðmundur Már Ingimarsson
  38. Halldór Ó. L. Guðmundsson
  39. Heiðar Örn Ólason
  40. Heiðberg Leó Hreinsson
  41. Helena Björk Arnardóttir
  42. Hjörtur Birgir Jóhönnuson
  43. Hlíf Berglind Óskarsdóttir
  44. Hólmfríður Erla Hestnes
  45. Hreinn Jónsson
  46. Hörður Aðalsteinsson
  47. Ian Phillip McDonald
  48. Inga Elín Guðmundsdóttir
  49. Inga Lakutijevska
  50. Ingi Rúnar Georgsson
  51. Ingi Valgeir Ingason
  52. Ingólfur Eðvarð Skarphéðinsson
  53. Jacob Thomas Barker
  54. Jeffrey Frederick Guarino
  55. Jóakim Snorrason
  56. Karla Esperanza Barralaga Ocon
  57. Katrín Anna Sigurðardóttir
  58. Katrín Eliza Bernhöft
  59. Katrín Phumipraman
  60. Kristinn Már Gíslason
  61. Kristín Þorsteinsdóttir
  62. Kristján Benediktsson
  63. Lilja Guðrún Lange
  64. Lucyna Dybka
  65. Maciej Krystian Labuda
  66. Mads Holm
  67. Magdalena Krystyna Pas
  68. Magnea Helga Magnúsdóttir
  69. Magnús Emil Bech
  70. Magnús Freyr Magnússon
  71. Marcela Soto Nunez
  72. Marcin Filip Watroba
  73. Margrét Braga Geirsdóttir
  74. María Sævarsdóttir
  75. Marjulie Oquino Miano
  76. Marta Wszeborowska- Piaskowska
  77. Mary Jane Gonzales Munoz
  78. Melissa Ann Williams
  79. Michael Alex Bergmann Arriero
  80. Oliwia Kaminska
  81. Ólöf Kolbrún Ragnarsdóttir
  82. Óskar Jafet Hlöðversson
  83. Óskar Örn Stefánsson
  84. Pawel Piotr Sztuba
  85. Piotr Jaryna
  86. Rachanee Mohtua
  87. Ragnar Ólason
  88. Reynaldo Curato Renegado
  89. Runólfur Óttar Kristjánsson
  90. Ruth Adjaho Samúelsson
  91. Rögnvaldur Ómar Reynisson
  92. Selma Kröyer
  93. Sesar Logi Hreinsson
  94. Sherry Ruth Espino Buot
  95. Sigita Halldórsson
  96. Signe Reidun Skarsbö
  97. Sigurður Egill Ólafsson
  98. Slavomíra Stateczna
  99. Slawomir Sylwester Górecki
  100. Steven Wilkinson
  101. Suphawat Yoophithakwong
  102. Thelma Björk Brynjólfsdóttir
  103. Valtýr Björn Thors
  104. Vasile-Tibor Andor
  105. Vigdís Eiríksd. Sigurðardóttir
  106. Vilhjálmur Einar Georgsson
  107. Vladislava Karpova
  108. Yana Bobokal
  109. Ylja Björk Linnet
  110. Þóra B Valdimarsdóttir
  111. Þórey Einarsdóttir
  112. Þórhildur Svavarsdóttir
  113. Þórir Jóhannesson
  114. Þórunn Jóna Skjaldardóttir
  115. Örvar Þór Guðmundsson

Purpose and procedures

Refund regulation

Delegate Council meetings 2024-2025

Thursday September 12, 2024

Agenda TBA.

Thursday October 3, 2024

Also a membership meeting. Agenda TBA.

Thursday November 14, 2024

Agenda TBA.

Thursday December 12, 2024

Agenda TBA.

Thursday January 9, 2025

Also membership meeting. Agenda TBA.

Thursday February 6, 2025

Agenda TBA.

Thursday March 6, 2025

Agenda TBA.

Thursday April 3, 2025

Also a membership meeting. Agenda TBA.

Thursday May 8, 2025

Agenda TBA.

Delegate Council meetings 2023-24

Thursday September 7th 2023


  1. The business of the Delegate Council in the coming operations year.
  2. Appoinment of the negotiations committee and its business this winter.
  3. Action plan for increasing the number of union reps – presentation (Viðar
    Þorsteinsson, director of education and membership affairs).
  4. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday October 5th 2023


  1. Improving the electronic services of Efling (Rínar Magnússon, service director)
  2. Layoffs at the Grund homes in Hveragerði
  3. Increasing union rep numbers – continued (Viðar Þorsteinsson, membership affairs)
  4. Status of collective bargaining negotiations
  5. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday November 9th 2023


  1. The status of preparations for negotiations – Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir
  2. ASÍ proposals about changes to benefits systems – Stefán Ólafsson
  3. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday December 7th 2023


  1. Preparation for collective bargaining and the work of the negotiations committee
  2. Increasing the number of union reps and their activity.
  3. International cooperation.
  4. Christmas buffet for active members
  5. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday January 11th 2024


  1. Collective bargaining with SA
  2. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday February 8th 2024


  1. Collective bargaining
  2. The proposal of the nomination committee for a list of candidates for the board of Efling and auditors of accounts.
  3. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday March 7th 2024


Thursday April 4th 2024


  1. Status of collective bargaining in the public sector.
  2. Changes to the Organisation of Union Representatives.
  3. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday May 2nd 2024


  1. Discussion about the status of Efling’s sickness benefits fund.
  2. The status of the collective bargaining in the public sector.
  3. Proposals of the nomination committee for the boards of Efling funds for the period 2024-2026.
  4. Changes to the resolution on the role of union representatives.
  5. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Delegate Council meetings 2022-23

Thursday september 15th


  1. The members survey on economic conditions and opinions: Presentation of preliminary results.
  2. Collective bargaining: Demands and preparation for negotiations with SA.
  3. 45th ASÍ Congress: Appointment of the Efling representatives.
  4. Other issues.

Meeting minutes

Thursday October 20th


  1. The situation following the ASÍ congress.
  2. Negotiations: Appointment of nominations committee and shaping our demands.
  3. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday November 17th


  1. Voting of Nomination Committee.
  2. Voting of Elections Committee.
  3. The collective bargaining and the work of the negotiations committee.
  4. The condition of tenants and the work of the Association of Tenants in Iceland.
  5. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday December 15th


  1. The proposal of the nomination committee for a new delegate council.
  2. A proposal for changes to the terms and conditions of Efling board members.

Meeting minutes

Thursday January 19th


  1. Collective bargaining.
  2. The meeting schedule of the delegate council.
  3. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday February 16th


  1. The collective bargaining with SA
  2. Proposal of the Nomination Committee for Appointments to the Board of Efling 2023
  3. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday March 23rd


  1. Lessons from the collective bargaining with SA.
  2. Collective bargaining in the public sector.
  3. Efling’s membership of Starfsgreinasambandið (SGS)
  4. Appointment to the Gildi representative council.
  5. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Thursday May 25th


  1. Presentation of the results from the survey of Varða about the situation of working people.
  2. Short speech from the chairman.
  3. Other matters.

Meeting minutes

Delegate Council meetings 2021-22

Thursday March 10th


  1. Meeting minutes of past meetings
  2. What has been gained in the fight and what is next – Stefán Ólafsson
  3. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Wednesday February 16th

Results of the board election was introduced and the date for the annual meeting was discussed.


  1. Vote a meeting secretery
  2. Meeting minutes of last meetings
  3. Stefán Ólafsson, presents Kjarafréttir
  4. Results of the elections
  5. General meeting – Continued discussions on general meeting and when to have it.
  6. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday January 13th

At the meeting, the A-list of the nomination committee was presented and voted on. The A-list was accepted.


  1. Memorandum from Karl Ó. Karlsson, lawyer of Efling regarding the general meeting
  2. List from the nomination committee introduced
  3. Election
  4. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday Desember 9


  1. Agenda of membership meeting
  2. Other matters

After the Delegate council meeting a membership meeting began with an introduction from Stefán Ólafsson.

Meeting minutes

Friday November 19

Council of Delegate came together for an extra meeting.


  1. The proposal from Daníel Örn Arnarsson about breach of confidence within the board and possible sanction decision according to the 8th paragraph of Eflings bylaws.
  2. Union affair. Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir was a guest on the meeting
  3. Other matters

Meeting minutes

Thursday November 11

The council agreed to move the election up because of Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir and Viðar Þorsteinsson resignation. The meeting also decided to have an extra meeting Friday November 19.

Thursday September 16

The topic of the meeting was a discussion of the tasks ahead this winter. Reykjavík airport ramp loaders was invited to the meeting, as guests of honour.


  • Tasks large and small this winter – presentation by Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir 
  • Council work 
  • The case of Efling members working as ramp loaders at Reykjavík airport 
  • Other matters 

Meeting minutes

Wednesday 19th 2021

In the meeting the focus was on the important internal work that we do in the Union. Viðar Þorsteinsson CEO gave a presentation where the experience of innovations in the work of the Delegate Council this past winter will be reviewed and how we can use it in the work going forward next winter, much remains to be done. The collective agreements will be reviewed in September, the SGS (Federation of General and Special workers in Iceland) Congress will be held in October and it will soon be time for us to mobilize members to participate in the process of drafting demands against our counterparts in the collective negotiations which will begin in the autumn of 2022. Following Viðar’s presentation there was a discussions, it is essential that members have a say in the union matters and internal work.


  1. The union work of Efling members – experience from last winter and how to progress (Viðar Þorsteinsson)
  2. Other matters

Meeting minutes

May 6th 2021 Annual General meeting of Efling

Efling´s 2021 annual general meeting will be held on Thursday, May 6th at 19:30 via Zoom.


  1. The Board’s annual report
  2. The Union’s reviewed accounts are submitted
  3. Election results of the Board and the Delegate Council
  4. Changes to the rules of sickness benefits fund
  5. Other matters

Efling Annual Report and audited accounts 2020-2021

Efling annual general meeting – Minutes

Thursday April 8th 2021


  • “World Record in Cuts” – Stefán Ólafsson speaks about pension payouts in Iceland – Watch
  • Other matters

Meeting minutes

More information on the agenda


“A world-record in cuts” – the wages of pensioners discussed during a meeting of the delegate council of Efling

Thursday March 11th 2021


  • The government’s green paper – Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, Chairman of Efling – Watch
  • New homepage of Efling – presentation – Anna Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir, Efling
  • Other issues

Meeting minute

More information on the agenda


Union members reject the reimplementation of SALEK in the guise of “The Green Paper”

Thursday February 11th 2021


  • Workplace democracy – Steinunn Böðvarsdóttir, VR – Watch
  • My pages – presentation – Ingibjörg Ólafsdóttir, Efling
  • Other issues

Meeting minute

More information on the agenda


Workplace Democracy the Subject of Last Night‘s Meeting of Efling‘s Board of Trustees

Thursday January 14th 2021


  • Role of the Delegate Council – presentation – Valgerður Árnadóttir, Team leader – Organising
  • Lessons from Efling´s collective bargaining. Viðar Þorsteinsson, managing director of Efling
  • Other issues

Meeting minute


Wage theft covered during a meeting of the confidential council

Delegate Council´s Newsletter

October 2021

September 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021