March 8th is the International Women’s Day for Peace and Equality. Women’s associations, unions and human rights organizations have historically united on this day.
This year, women and non-binary people will march in support of Palestine. We will walk from Arnarhóll in downtown Reykjavík at 4:40 PM. The march will go from there at 5PM, ending in a solidarity meeting in PORTIÐ (old Kolaportið).
The situation in Gaza is horrific for everyone, but not least for women and children. Women in Gaza suffer horrific conditions. 50,000 pregnant women are currently waiting to give birth to children in dire conditions, breastfeeding women are starved and therefore having difficulty producing milk, which causes infant mortality. In Iceland, women have been leading the struggle for
ceasefire in Gaza, just as women have always been at the forefront in every campaign for world peace.
We encourage women and non-binary people to join the march on this day of our struggle!
The organizations behind the event are:
Menningar- og friðarsamtökin MFÍK
Félagið Ísland Palestína
UN Women
Kvenréttindafélag Ísland
Kvenfélagasamband Íslands
Sósíalískir femínistar
Kvennasögusafn Landsbókasafn Íslands
Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands
Samtökin 78
Samtök Hernaðarandstæðinga
Efling union
Félagsráðgjafafélag Íslands
Iðjuþjálfafélag Íslands
Jafnréttisskólinn GRÓ GEST
Feminísk fjármál
Wheelchair accessibility into Portið is good. The meeting will be translated to sign language, and speeches in Icelandic/English will be translated to Arabic.