Freyr Rögnvaldsson hired as communication coordinator at Efling union

Freyr Rögnvaldsson has been hired as the communication coordinator of Efling Union. Freyr is a political scientist, with his education from the University of Iceland and the University of Lund. For the past 17 years, he has worked as a journalist in various media, including Heimildin, Stundin, DV, Eyjan, Bændablaðið, and 24 stundir. Freyr received the Iceland Journalists’ Association Award in 2018 for investigative journalism when he investigated and analyzed the ownership of Icelandic land by tycoons. He has also been nominated twice for the award.

Freyr has also worked as a press representative during his career, among other things when he worked at the publicity department of the Farmers’ Association. Then he was the Samfylking’s information representative in Reykjavík for the Parliamentary elections 2017.

Freyr looks forward to working for Efling’s members and workers in Iceland. “I look forward to contributing to Efling member’s fight for improved conditions, as well as conveying the extremely important role of Efling members in Icelandic society.”

“Freys appointment is part of the strengthening of communication and sharing of information about the social and professional work of the Efling union. With his experience, Freyr will be an important teammate to the union and staff in that process,” says Perla Ösp Ásgeirsdóttir, Eflings general manager.

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, says that with Freys appointment, the union’s disclosure will be further sharpened: “Efling is the second largest union in the country and by far the largest workers’ union. Strong communication about our fundamental importance is central to the union’s fight for economic justice.”

Freyr is married to Snærós Sindradóttir, art historian and journalist, and they have four children.