Efling is looking for reinforcements

Efling Union is looking for powerful people to join the union in its office. Increased projects and more activity call for more people on the company’s team in Guðrúnartún 1, where there is a cohesive and dynamic group of people who work for improved conditions and rights for union members.

The company intends to fill four positions. In the first place, a representative is advertised to work in the office Service department, which takes care of the general reception of messages and processing of applications for the company’s funds.

Here you can access a more detailed description of the job in the service department and a link to apply for the job.

Secondly, Efling is looking for an employee in the Labour Rights division, which provides service and advice to members based on their wage-related rights and Icelandic law.

Here you can access a more detailed description of work in the Labour Rights division and a link to apply for the job.

Efling also intends to employ two employees in its Education and Membership Affairs division. The main goal is to increase the number of active members and strengthen them through education, training, support, and participation in the company’s internal work. The department also organizes educational and entertainment events for all members.

A more detailed description of jobs in the Education and Membership Affairs division can be found here.

Efling is the second-largest union in Iceland and by far the largest union of workers. The company’s office is one of the workplaces that participated in the workplace survey Company of the Year 2024, conducted by Gallup. The result of the survey showed that the overall rating of Efling as a workplace is higher than that of similar workplaces and that the rating of the workplace increased in almost all areas measured in the survey between years.

The managing director of the Efling Union is Perla Ösp Ásgeirsdóttir and the chairman of the board is Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir.