Voting on a new collective agreement with SFV has begun

Voting on a new collective agreement between Efling Union and Companies in Welfare Services (SFV) has begun. The agreement was signed last Thursday, October 3. Voting ends in a week at noon on Tuesday, October 15.

An introductory meeting about the agreement will be held tomorrow, October 10, at 5:00 p.m. in Félagsheimil Eflinger, 4th floor in Guðrúnartún 1. The building opens at 4:30 p.m. and snacks, coffee, and drinks will be offered. Those who plan to attend the meeting are asked to confirm their arrival on a form provided for that purpose, which can be found here.

This is the first independent collective agreement that Efling makes on behalf of its members who work in nursing homes, but until now they have followed wage agreements with the state.

The main demand of the Efling negotiating committee in the talks with SFV was that the staffing problem of nursing homes be addressed. That demand was successful, but simultaneously with the agreement, an agreement was made with the government in which they undertook to act. They must do that by submitting funded and timed solutions to the issue no later than next April 1. If this is not done, Efling is entitled to terminate the agreement.

The agreement applies to those Efling members who work at the Alzheimer’s Association, at Eir, at Skjól and Hamrar, at Grund, Ás, and Mörk, at NLFÍ Heilsustofnun, at Vífilsstaðir Heilsuvernd, at Hlíðarbær/Múlabær, at Hrafnista (Boðaþing, Laugarás, Skógarbær, and Sléttuvegur), at Kjarkur rehabilitation, at MS Setrið, at Reykjalundur rehabilitation, at SÁÁ, at Öldungur (Sóltún) and Vigdísarholt (Sunnuhlíð and Seltjörn). All members are encouraged to study the contract and vote on it.

Article about the signing of the collective agreement.

Here is a direct link to the voting.