Efling offers its members access to the language app Bara tala

Efling Union has signed an agreement with Bara tala, an app for phones intended to teach people simple Icelandic. 200 annual licenses have been purchased and will be distributed to Efling members, free of charge. 

This is a pilot project for one year and its results will be evaluated regularly. Applications have already been opened on the Union’s website and the application form can be accessed here. The allocation of permits will begin in December. 

Bara tala is a digital Icelandic language course, based on artificial intelligence and Icelandic language technology. It has similar emphases to well-known language teaching apps, such as Duolingo. The emphasis is on spoken language and training those who do not have Icelandic as their native language to learn and practice pronunciation in Icelandic. The emphasis is also on words and phrases related to work and being able to get by in Icelandic in everyday life.

Efling’s role is to support its members in every way, as far as the Union is able. The collaboration with Bara Tala is an aspect of that and will be used to strengthen Efling’s members in Icelandic society, in the labor market, and their daily lives.

Further information and an application form can be found here.