Efling Urges Dozens of Public Institutions to Cut Ties with Companies in SVEIT

Efling trade union has sent a call to action to 25 public institutions, urging them to cease business with restaurant companies that violate existing collective agreements. Among the institutions addressed are police departments, courts, and five government ministries.

The companies in question are active members of the Association of Companies in the Restaurant Market (SVEIT). As is widely known, SVEIT has entered into a so-called collective agreement with the pseudo-union Virðing, an organization founded and controlled by restaurant owners.

This agreement conflicts with the legally binding collective agreement between Efling and the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise (SA). It does not comply with labor laws or the minimum standards of the labor market. Moreover, the agreement is unlawful as Virðing does not meet the legal criteria to be recognized as a trade union, given that it was established at the initiative of employers and operates under their influence.

Efling has reason to believe that the companies in question rely on this agreement, thereby violating workers’ rights. In its appeal, the union reminds public institutions of their duty to ensure compliance with collective agreements and the protection of employees’ rights. It is of great societal importance that government projects are carried out per labor rights and that public funds do not support companies engaging in social dumping.

For these reasons, Efling calls on the 25 institutions to discontinue business with companies that are party to the SVEIT-Virðing agreement. Among the institutions addressed are the Court Administration, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Reykjavík Metropolitan Police, and the Suðurnes Police. Efling has requested responses from all recipients no later than one week from the date of receipt.