
Meeting with workers in municipalities outside of Reykjavík

6. 03, 2020 — News

Efling invites all workers in municipalities outside of Reykjavík to a meeting at the beginning of …


No wage loss for quarantined workers

6. 03, 2020 — News

An agreement has been struck between unions, employers and the government to limit the spread of …


Efling will not strike in independent schools

5. 03, 2020 — News

The Labour court has struck down a sympathy strike by Efling members in private schools. The …


Strike support payments for February 29 – March 20

5. 03, 2020 — News

Members working for Reykjavík must apply for strike support for the period after February 28. The …


Corrected payments from the strike fund

5. 03, 2020 — News

Corrected payments to members on strike were paid out on the morning of March 4, for …


Sólveig Anna accepts the mayor’s invitation for a meeting on two conditions

4. 03, 2020 — News

Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling, has agreed to meet with Dagur B. Eggertsson on two …


Proposal for a basis of negotiations not accepted

4. 03, 2020 — News

The negotiating committee of Efling sent a proposal to the mayor this morning for a postponement …


The statement of the negotiating committee of Efling on February 26th of 2020

4. 03, 2020 — News

The negotiating committee of Efling would like to express its disappointment and deep concern because of …

Strike calls for municipalities and privately-run schools approved with an overwhelming majority

Strike calls for municipalities and privately-run schools approved with an overwhelming majority

4. 03, 2020 — News

COVID-19 and absence from work

4. 03, 2020 — News

There seems to be ample reason for Icelandic Federation of Labor (Alþýðusamband Íslands) to note that …
