Rights and responsibilities in the labor market


Efling Union invites members to a course Rights and responsibilities in the labor market. The course is available in Icelandic, English and Polish.

The course provides Efling members with information about their rights in the labor market and within the union. Specialists in Efling collective agreements review the main items such as sickness benefits rights and notice periods and present the rights of union members to payments from the union’s funds.

The course is free of charge for members of Efling.

Námskeið á dagskrá

Rights and responsibilities in the labor market (Icelandic with English interpretation)

— Atburður liðinn

15.01.2025, 19-21 Efling Union invites members to a course Rights and responsibilities in the labor market. The course is …

15. Jan arrow_forward

Rights and responsibilities in the labor market (Polish)

— Atburður liðinn

22.01.2025, 19:00-21:00 Efling Union invites members to a course Rights and responsibilities in the labor market. The course is …

22. Jan arrow_forward