Efling – Bara Tala: Criteria for Access  

Efling issues a license to its members to the Bara Tala app. The licenses are issued to eligible members on a first come, first served basis. The Bara Tala app is run by Bara Tala ehf. 

Members must meet the following criteria to be eligible for access to the Bara Tala app: 

  1. The member must be a paying member of the Efling Union. 
  2. The member must not already have access to Bara Tala through their employer. 
  3. A member who has been granted permission must actively use the app. If there is no usage for 2 weeks, Efling reserves the right to revoke the access. 

By submitting their application, the member agrees to the following: 


Efling – Bara tala : Terms and Conditions

By submitting their application, the member agrees to the following: 

  1. Efling owns the license to use Bara Tala app. 
  2. Efling will grant access to members who meet the criteria outlined above. 
  3. Efling may revoke access to Bara Tala from a member without further notice. 

Efling collects the following information: 

  • Name 
  • SSN number (Kennitala) 
  • Mobile phone number 
  • E-mail address 
  • Nationality (optional) 
  • Language (optional) 
  • Gender (optional) 
  • Employer 

This information is necessary to verify that the applicant is a member of Efling and is eligible. The information will also be used for statistical purposes related to the Bara Tala project. Efling will never disclose any personal information about a member in any statistics related to the Bara Tala project. 

  1. Efling collects the following personal data and shares it with Bara Tala ehf. for those members who are granted access: 
  • Name 
  • Mobile phone number and/or email address 

This personal information is necessary to provide access to the Bara Tala app. The use of this personal information is governed by the privacy policy of Bara Tala ehf. which can be found here: https://www.baratala.is/privacy 

  1. Efling uses members impersonalised data to statistics related to the project. 

Apply for access to Bara tala:

Bara tala umsókn hjá Eflingu stéttarfélagi :: Bara tala access application through Efling Union
Fullt nafn :: Full name
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. / Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur :: Re-enter email to prevent typing errors
Kyn :: Gender