27. Mar Kl — 18:00

At crossroads – Retirement course (Polish)

— Fosshotel Reykjavík, Þórunnartún 1, Gullfoss A — 27. Mar 2025

March 27th, 18:00-21:00

Have you begun planning your retirement? Then you have the option of attending a course at Efling, where practical information regarding this turning point are covered. Preparation is needed before one leaves the workforce. The change greatly affects people’s lives and it is a big step. With good preparation one can step into a positive new role in life.

At the course, experts cover health insurance, pension rights, health and rights at the union and answer questions put forth by the attendees. Also, the options for union activities and courses for seniors will be presented.

The course takes place on March 27th, from 18-21. Dinner will be offered. It is permitted to bring your spouse or partner.

The course takes place in Fosshotel Reykjavík at Þórunnartún 1, in the room Gullfoss A and is free of charge for the union’s members. It is held in cooperation with Mímir.

Registration online, see the form below, or by contacting Efling union by phone, 510 7500, or email to felagsmal@efling.is .

Starfslokanámskeið 27. mars 2025 (pólska)
Staðfesta netfang / Confirm Email / Powtórz email
Tekur þú maka með? / Will you bring your spouse or partner / Czy przyjdziesz z małżonkiem lub partnerem?
Dæmi: vegan, hnetuofnæmi, mjólkurofnæmi, borða ekki svínakjöt o.s.frv. / Example: vegan, nut allergy, milk intolerance, don’t eat pork, etc. / Przykład: weganizm, alergia na orzechy, nietolerancja produktów mlecznych, nie jem wieprzowiny itp.
Ég samþykki að Efling-stéttarfélag vinni þær upplýsingar sem ég sendi félaginu með eyðublaði þessu í samræmi við persónuverndarstefnu félagsins. :: I consent that Efling Union process the information I send using this form in accordance with the union’s privacy policy. :: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez związek Efling informacji przesłanych przeze mnie za pomocą tego formularza zgodnie z polityką prywatności związku.