06. Dec Kl — 12:30

Eimskip – Workplace Meeting

— Efling Stéttarfélag / Guðrúnartúni 1 — 6. Dec 2024

A workplace meeting for Efling members who work for Eimskip has been called.

Time: Friday December 6th 2024 at 12:30 pm

Location: Efling community center, Guðrúnartún 1, 4th floor.


  1. Election of union representatives
  2. Election of a negotiation committee
  3. Preparation for talks on the renewal of the Efling workplace agreement with Eimskip
  4. Other matters

Hot meal and coffee drinks offered. On-screen text interpretation between Icelandic and English. Eimskip has given permission for workers to attend the meeting without salary loss. Efling members, let’s all show up!

 Please confirm attendance by filling in the form below: 

06.12.2024 Eimskip – Vinnustaðafundur – skráning :: 6.12.2024 Eimskip – Workplace Meeting – registration :: 06.12.2024 Eimskip – Zebranie pracowników – rejestracja

06.12.2024 Eimskip – Vinnustaðafundur – skráning :: 6.12.2024 Eimskip – Workplace Meeting – registration :: 06.12.2024 Eimskip – Zebranie pracowników – rejestracja

Fullt nafn / Full name / Imię i Nazwisko członka
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. / Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address. / Potwierdzenie rejestracji zostanie wysłane na ten adres e-mail.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur / Re-enter email to prevent typing errors / Powtórz email aby uniknąć błędów w pisowni
Dæmi: vegan, hnetuofnæmi, mjólkurofnæmi, borða ekki svínakjöt o.s.frv. / Example: vegan, nut allergy, milk intolerance, don’t eat pork, etc. / Przykład: weganizm, alergia na orzechy, nietolerancja produktów mlecznych, nie jem wieprzowiny itp.
Staðfesting 06.12.2024 / Confirmation 06.12.2024 / Potwierdzenie 06.12.2024
Ég samþykki að Efling-stéttarfélag vinni þær upplýsingar sem ég sendi félaginu með eyðublaði þessu í samræmi við persónuverndarstefnu félagsins. :: I consent that Efling Union process the information I send using this form in accordance with the union’s privacy policy.