26. Jun Kl — 17:00

Information meeting about the collective agreement with the City of Reykjavík

— Atburður liðinn — 26. Jun 2024

An information meeting on the new collective agreement with the City of Reykjavík will be held on Wednesday, June 26 at 5:00 p.m. in Efling’s Community Center on the 4th floor in Guðrúnartún 1. The house opens at 16:30 p.m. and snacks, coffee and drinks will be served.

Those who intend to come are asked to confirm their arrival with the form here:

Rvk kynningarfundur 26. júní 2024 :: Rvk info meeting June 26 2024
Fullt nafn :: Full name :: Imię i Nazwisko
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. :: Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address. :: Potwierdzenie rejestracji zostanie wysłane na ten adres e-mail.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur :: Re-enter email to prevent typing errors :: Powtórz email aby uniknąć błędów w pisowni
Valkvætt :: Optional