28. Sep Kl — 16:45

Introductory meeting for field representatives

— Atburður liðinn — 28. Sep 2023

An introductory meeting for active members who wish to participate in field visits to worklapces. More information available from the office of membership affairs via email felagsmal@efling.is.

The meeting is right before the meeting of the negotiations committee which starts at 6 pm.

Kynningarfundur fyrir vettvangsfulltrúa

Ég staðfesti komu á kynningarfund um vettvangsheimsóknir á vinnustaði og störf vettvangsfulltrúa. :: I confirm attendance to an introductory meeting about workplace visits and the tasks of field representatives.

Staðfestu netfang :: Confirm email address
Mæting 28.9.2023 :: Attendance 28.9.2023