03. Sep Kl — 18:00

Round trip meeting ASÍ

— Efling/ Guðrúnartúni 1 — 3. Sep 2024

In preparation for the 46th ASÍ Congress, The Icelandic Confederation of Labour decided to organize two round trips around the country to interview to the boards, delegate councils and active members of the trade unions. The first meeting was held in May and now it’s time for the second one.

ASÍ meeting and interview with Efling will be held on September 3rd at 6:00-8:00 pm at Efling’s Community Center, 4th floor at Guðrúnartún 1.

Active members of Efling who are invited to the meeting have received an email and are asked to confirm their arrival with the form below no later than at the end of the day on  Monday August 26th.

Hringferð ASÍ 3. sept 2024 – skráning :: ASÍ Round Trip September 3 2024 – registration
Fullt nafn :: Full name
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. :: Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur :: Re-enter email to prevent typing errors
Staðfesting á komu á Hringferðarfund ASÍ 3.9.2024
Confirmation of attendance to ASÍ Round Trip meeting on 3.9.2024
Ég er meðlimur í … :: I am a member of …
Ég samþykki að Efling-stéttarfélag vinni þær upplýsingar sem ég sendi félaginu með eyðublaði þessu í samræmi við persónuverndarstefnu félagsins. :: I consent that Efling Union process the information I send using this form in accordance with the union’s privacy policy.