- Has your employer tried to get you to sign a hiring contract where salaries and benefits are said to follow the collective agreement of SVEIT and “Virðing Union”?
- Have you signed such a contract, or have your salaries been paid according to this collective agreement?
If any of this applies to you, then your employer is trying to cheat you out of minimum salaries and minimum rights as protected by Icelandic law and collective agreements.
Virðing is not a real union, but a scam created by employers. The so-called “collective agreement” with SVEIT is not a real collective agreement. The purpose is to get staff to work on lower wages and worse conditions than they are entitled to according to the recognized collective agreement of Efling and Samtök atvinnulífsins (the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise).
You do not have to accept being scammed by SVEIT and the fake union “Virðing.” Efling has your back and will ensure that you get paid the correct wages according to a recognized collective agreement.
Efling asks you for information so that the union can respond, provide you with assistance, and demand a correction from your employer if appropriate. Please fill in the form below and the union will get back to you. You can write to felagsmal@efling.is or call the office at 510-7500 if you need technical assistance with the form.