Do you want to make a difference in society and take part in the labour struggle?Women take the lead is a seminar organized by AkureyrarAkademían, the Centre for Gender Equality in Iceland, the Federation of General and Special Workers, and JCI Sproti.Saturday, February 16th, 10.00 – 16.00 in Efling’s offices in Guðrúnartún 1, 4th floor. The seminar is open to all women who are members of the Federation of General and Special Workers (SGS), or any of the municipal workers’ unions, and it is free of charge.Agenda:
- Defying Gender Structures
- The Labour Movement Today
- Rebuilding the Trade Unions
- Leadership Skills Training
- How to Have an Impact and Get your Message Across
- Working Within the Labour Movement
Registration is open until Thursday, February 14th, and attendees can register either by e-mail:, or by phone: 461 4006. Note that there are limited spots available.The project is sponsored by Iceland’s Equality Fund, and the purpose is to encourage women’s participation and influence in the labour movement.