Workshop for kitchen and canteen workers

If you work in a kitchen or canteen, you can start your voyage into further education via Efling workshops. We present three 60-hour professional courses in cooperation with Sæmundur Fróði símenntun at the Hotel- and catering school in Kópavogur.Workshop I:  September 24 to November 26, 2019. Taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3.45pm to 6.50pm.The workshops take place in Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi. Register at Efling-union by calling 510 7500 or sending an email to fraedslusjodur@efling.isThe course is for Efling members working in the field and is free of charge.Icelandic support for students – Those who are interested can take an assessment test at the start to evaluate their Icelandic proficiency. Icelandic lessons with the vocabulary used that week are available. In total 20 hours on days decided with students.Workshop II: January 21 to March 17, 2020. Taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3.45pm to 6.50pm.Studying to become a chef takes two semesters. These workshops count towards that. Skills assessments are available for workers 23 years and older with a minimum of 3 years’ experience. That assessment may allow for a shorter course of study.These studies provide qualifications for specific jobs. Studying to become a diet cook (matsveinn) takes one extra semester. See further info on the school’s homepage,