Yesterday, on 1 October 2020, Efling negotiation committee against SORPA signed a new collective agreement with the regional partnership managed by three municipalities in the capital region. The collective agreement is based on the agreement with Reykjavíkurborg and is valid from 1 April 2019 until 31 March 2023.The agreement makes an arrangement for the salary of Efling members employed by SORPA to raise by 100 to 113 thousand krona during the agreement period for workers in full-time employment. Wage raises exceeding 90 thousand krona as on the private labour market have been achieved through the introduction of a new wage scale, like in the City of Reykjavik. This is in line with the idea in the new collective agreementThe agreement contains provisions on shortening of the working week for both daytime and shift workers, subject to further cooperation in consultation with employees, similarly as in other wage agreements with the state and municipalities.Retrospective correction in wages will be paid for salary raises that were due on 1 April 2019 and 1 April 2020, lowered by the amount paid out during the collective negotiations.The collective agreement will now be put to the vote by Efling members and the union shall notify of the result by 23 October 2020. The collective agreement will enter into force, unless the members decline it in the voting. The agreement affects around 70 workers and the union is now working to present it to them.This collective agreement is one of many agreements made by Efling with companies that are not managed directly by the state or municipalities, but which are publicly funded. Such agreements are based on collective agreements between Efling and the state, City of Reykjavík and municipalities, and are usually signed shortly after the respective main agreement.Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, the chairwoman of Efling, said on the occasion of signing of this agreement: „I truly welcome the signing of this collective agreement. Even though it may take time, the parties with true will to negotiate can reach an understanding.“