At the next Efling´s Delegate council meeting, that will be held November 12, Kristinn Már Ársælsson will go over the power of pension fund members.The power of pension fund members in the Icelandic pension systemPension funds own a large part, even a majority, in many of the largest companies in Iceland. Workers are therefore in fact owners, through their pension funds, of the companies they trade with and work at. What power and opportunity do workers have to push for positive changes through these common funds? What effect do fund members have on the investment policy and operations of pension funds?These questions will be illuminated from different angles in Kristinn’s lecture, after which there will be group discussion.About the lecturer: Kristinn Már Ársælsson is finishing his doctoral studies in sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA. He researches threats to democracy and attempts to strengthen it. Kristinn Már was a protagonist in the founding of Alda – Association for Sustainable Democracy in 2010.