Allocation for a summer houses

Allocation period for summer houses this summar starts March 2 and ends March 22, those who are eligible for allocation are union members with 200 points or more. The day of application does not matter, as the allocations will be decided basing on the points system. The applications are evaluated using a special system of points which is based on how long the member has been paying dues in the union. Allocation is March 25 and payment deadline is April 7.After the application period has ended, the union members can book the houses which are still available at the booking web, April 12 at 8.15am, for members with 100 points or more, April 15 at 8.15am for members with 1 point or more. Payment need to take place immediately. From April 20 at 8.15am the booking web is open for all members, irrespective of point status, for the houses still available this summer.The summer period is from May 28 to August 27 and is one week at a time, Friday to Friday.To apply for a summer house, you need to go to the booking web and click on application (umsókn) or send this application form to the office or, with your name, id number and what houses you want, first option, second option and so on, up to eight options.Further information on the vacation houses is available on the website of Efling: