A New Contract Signed with Nursing Homes

On Friday June 9 the negotiations committee of Efling signed a collective agreement with the Association of Companies in Welfare Services (SFV) for jobs of Efling members in nursing homes.

The contract follows the example of the collective agreement with the state that was signed on May 30, and it includes the same salary increases.

A change from the earlier contract with SFV is that it now also includes the Heilsustofnun NLFÍ in Hveragerði.

An online vote on the contract for members of Efling is planned to start on Wednesday June 14 and to last until noon on Tuesday June 20. A link will be added to this news article, and it will also be shared in an email to all Efling members working in nursing homes who have registered their email address with the union.

The text of the contract can be viewed here.

The picture shows the negotiations committees of Efling and SFV signing the contract late in the afternoon on Friday.