New addition – Efling’s wage calculator

On Efling’s website, you can now access a salary calculator for union members who work in the private sector, which therefore covers about 84% of Efling´s members, or about 35,000 people. There you can calculate wages and compare them with payslips from employer.

The salary calculator is the next step in Efling union’s journey to simplify access and an overview of terms and conditions for members in a quick and secure way, from anywhere. It helps members to see if the salary is calculated correctly or if there is a discrepancy. The calculator is also useful for employers to calculate their employees’ wages to make sure they are calculated correctly.

In order to calculate the correct salary in the wage calculator, you can enter a monthly salary or an hourly salary, depending on what is relevant. Then the number of worked hours is checked, depending on which collective agreement the member’s profession is covered by. The calculator allows you to choose any shift work percentage that applies. To calculate other types of payments such as rent paid to the employer or prepaid wages, it is also possible in the field Other payments / deductions.

The instructions for using the calculator are detailed in the special explanations here, which we recommend that everyone read before using the calculator.