A meeting characterized with unity – “Efling’s best general meeting”

Sólveig Anna adresses the meeting. [File: Heiða Helgadóttir]

A well-sought and very successful general meeting of the Efling Union was held yesterday at the Hotel Hilton Reykjavík Nordica. At the meeting, the Union’s annual report for 2023-2024 was presented, and annual accounts were processed, as were usual general meeting activities.

Great consensus characterized the meeting, and in a post on her Facebook page, Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, Efling’s chairman, described it as “the best general meeting of Efling ever”. 

Goals achieved

Managing Director Perla Ösp Ásgeirsdóttir says she is happy with the success achieved in Efling’s work last year. “We achieved all the main goals we set ourselves at the beginning of the year, in terms of services, strengthening of infrastructure and IT, human resources, and, most importantly, operations.” 

Perla says that the transformations that began in 2022 have resulted in improved service to members of the Union, efficiency, increased performance of staff, and financial benefits for the members of Efling. “I would like to thank the board, management, and Efling’s staff for their excellent work in the past year. We continue unabated in 2024.

We are Efling.”

Perla Ösp, Managing Director, accounts for Efling’s activities. [File: Heiða Helgadóttir]

Sólveig Anna says she is delighted with the meeting, it showed how successful the strategy of the Efling board has turned out to be. “Our strategy continues to deliver excellent results, as seen in the annual report. The operation of the Union’s office is going exceptionally well following the necessary organizational changes implemented in 2022. And due to the perseverance and will to fight of Efling members, the Union is today one of the leading forces of social change in the country.”

Grateful to be the chairman of Efling

In her post on Facebook, Sólveig Anna stated that the meeting was characterized by great solidarity, with great people. “I am grateful to be chairman of our union. Efling members are the best people in town.

Go on Efling, all the way!”

Sólveig Anna with other Efling members, Alexa Patrizi, Innocentia Fiati Fridgeirsson, Karl Barralaga Ocón og Guðmunda Valdís Helgadóttir.

Over the next few days, we will continue to report on the general meeting on Efling’s website, and the main themes in the annual report. Below you can access the annual report, which contains the chairman’s address, the introduction of the managing director, and a discussion of all areas of the company’s operations. The annual accounts of the Efling Union for the last year are at the end of the annual report.