Pictures from the labor day march and Efling’s family festival on May 1st

Efling union organized a family festival for members in Kolaportið on Labor Day, May 1st, after the labor day march and program at Ingólfstorg. The weather was good and the march was well attended. Attendees walked from Hallgrímskirkja and down to Ingólfstorg to listen to speeches.

Many attended Efling’s family festival, which started at 15:00 in Kolaportið. Young and old had a merry time together and enjoyed entertainments and refreshments. A brass band came and kept the fun going. A circus entertained and children could have their faces painted and balloon artwork by a balloon artist. A hot dog cart, a hamburger cart and an ice cream cart were on site. Guests were also offered coffee, cakes, candy floss, popcorn and soda.

Efling thanks union members for a great day.

Below you can see pictures from the day.

Pictures taken by Birgir Ísleifur Gunnarsson of labor day march on May 1, 2024:

Pictures taken by Heiða Helgadóttir of Efling’s family festival in Kolaportið May 1st 2024: