Voting on a new collective agreement with the City of Reykjavík has begun

Voting on the new collective agreement between Efling union and the City of Reykjavík started at 5:00 pm yesterday. Voting continues until 10:00 am on Friday, July 5.

Efling’s negotiation committee reached an agreement with Reykjavík City’s negotiation committee a week ago, on June 20. It is the opinion of the negotiating committee that good results have been achieved at the negotiating table. The agreement contains similar wage increases to Efling’s collective agreement in the general market, but in addition, good results were achieved in increasing the number of preparation hours for employees at the city’s preschools. Good results were also achieved in various reform issues that Efling had put at the forefront of the negotiations.

Voting on the collective bargaining agreement takes place on Efling’s My pages, and all union members working for the city are encouraged to study the agreement and exercise their right to vote. It is pointed out that electronic identification is needed to vote.