Updated at 11:00 February 6th:
The Efling office at Guðrúnartún 1 will open at 1:00 PM as scheduled. However, members are asked to exercise caution while the weather improves.
As is known, a severe storm is currently sweeping across the country, with a red warning in effect in the capital area from 8:00 to 13:00 on Thursday, February 6. For this reason, the Efling Union office at Guðrúnartún 1 will be closed until at least 13:00. The weather will be closely monitored and decisions will be made per the development of the situation, but it is hoped that the office will be able to open at the aforementioned time.
Telephone answering will remain unchanged and member messages, whether received by phone or electronically, will be handled as usual. Those Efling members who had an appointment booked for tomorrow should have been informed by phone about the situation and another, more suitable appointment time found for them.
Efling asks members and all citizens to be careful during the storm and to stay home if possible while the worst is over.