At noon today, February 17, 2025, the deadline for submitting candidate lists for the board election in Efling Union expired. On February 6, Efling’s Delegate Council approved the nomination committee’s proposal for appointments to the board for the 2025-2027 term. Since no other candidates were submitted before the required deadline, the nomination committee’s proposal is therefore considered validly elected.
The Efling board is elected annually, half of the board every other year, and the board’s term is two years.
This time, the positions of vice-chairman, secretary and five co-directors were elected. The validly elected board members are therefore as follows:
Vice chairman: Þórir Jóhannesson
Secretary: Guðmunda Valdís Helgadóttir
Alexa Tracia Patrizi
Hjörtur Birgir Jóhännuson
Ian Phillip McDonald
Karla Esperanza Barralaga Ocon
Sigurjón Ármann Björnsson
Efling’s chairman, Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, was elected last year for a two-year term. The same goes for the position of treasurer, to which Michael Bragi Whalley was elected. Guðbjörg María Jósepsdóttir, Innocentia Fiati Friðgeirsson, Kolbrún Valvesdóttir, Olga Leonsdóttir, Rögnvaldur Ómar Reynisson, and Sæþór Benjamín Randalsson will continue as co-directors, all of whom were elected last year for two-year term.