Efling union rep courses

Union representative training

The union representative courses offered by Efling provide union reps with the education and training required for their role. The courses are continuing education which union reps are required to attend for the duration of their appointment period. The courses are held during daytime work hours one day per month, September to May. The needs of newly appointed and more experienced reps are considered in equal measure.

The courses are held in the Efling Community Center on the 4th floor Guðrúnartún 1, 105 Reykjavík. Refreshments and hot lunch are served.

The courses are free of charge for the union representatives. Translation and interpretation are made use of to make all materials accessible in Icelandic and English.

All union reps are automatically registered for the courses. Reminders and requests for confirmation of attendance are sent out via email to all union reps.

For further information on the schedule of the courses, please send an email to felagsmal@efling.is or call the Efling office at 510 7500.

Right to course attendance without salary loss

The salary of union representatives shall never be reduced due to the attendance of union rep courses and it is the right off all reps to attend courses during working hours. Union representatives also do not have to work evening shifts on the day that they attend a course.

Efling office staff are happy to assists in communication with employers on behalf of union reps if a reminder of these rights is needed. In case union reps wish for this, they should send an email to felagsmal@efling.is.

Dates of courses 2023-2024

September 14 2023 (Thu)
October 12 2023 (Thu)
November 7 2023 (Tues)
November 8 2023 (Wed)
December 13 2023 (Wed)
January 18 2024 (Thu)
February 14 2024 (Wed)
February 15 2024 (Thu)
March 14 2024 (Thu)
April 15 2024 (Mon)
April 17 2024 (Wed)
May 22 2024 (Wed)
May 23 2024 (Thu)

Study materials

Study materials and slides are available on the password-protected landing page here, where they can be downloaded. Contact the office of education and membership affairs if you have lost the password.

Námskeið á dagskrá

Union Representative Course May 22nd (public sector)

— Atburður liðinn

22.05.2024, 08:30-16:00 Registration

22. May arrow_forward

Union Rep Course September 14th

— Atburður liðinn

14.09.2023, 08:30-16:00

14. Sep arrow_forward

Union Rep Course October 12th

— Atburður liðinn

12.10.2023, 08:30-16:00 Feedback on the union Rep Course on October 12 2023

12. Oct arrow_forward

Union Rep Course November 8th (public sector)

— Atburður liðinn

08.11.2023, 08:30-16:00 Feedback after the Union Rep Course on November 8 2023

8. Nov arrow_forward

Union Rep Course November 7th (private sector)

— Atburður liðinn

07.11.2023, 08:30 – 16:00 Feedback after the Union Rep Course November 7 2023

7. Nov arrow_forward

Union Rep Course December 13th

— Atburður liðinn

13.12.2023, 08:30-16:00 Feedback after the Union Rep Course December 13:

13. Dec arrow_forward

Union Rep Course January 18th

— Atburður liðinn

The course will be on January 18th 2024. Program starts at 8.30 am and goes on …

18. Jan arrow_forward

Union Rep Course February 14th (public sector)

— Atburður liðinn

14.02.2024, 8:30-16:00 Feedback

14. Feb arrow_forward

Union Representative Course February 15th

— Atburður liðinn

15.02.2024, 8:30-16:00 Satisfaction Survey

15. Feb arrow_forward

Union Representative Course March 14th

— Atburður liðinn

14.03.2024, 8:30-16:00 Feedback

14. Mar arrow_forward

Union Representative Course April 15th (public sector)

— Atburður liðinn

15.04.2024, 08:30-16:00 Satisfaction Survey

15. Apr arrow_forward

Union Representative Course April 17th (private sector)

— Atburður liðinn

17.04.2024, 08:30-16:00 Satisfaction Survey

17. Apr arrow_forward