11. Jan Kl — 18:00

Joint Meeting of the Delegate Council and the Negotiations Committee on January 11 20214

— Atburður liðinn — 11. Jan 2024

A joint meeting of the Efling delegate council and the negotiations committee is called on January 11, 2024 at 6 pm in the Efling Community Center, 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1, 105 Reykjavík.

Members of the delegate council and the negotiations committee have been sent a meeting invitation via email.

Please fill in the form below to confirm your attendance.

Sameiginlegur fundur trúnaðarráðs og samninganefndar 11.01.2024 – skráning :: Joint meeting of the Delegate Council and Negotiations Committee Jan 11 2024 – registration

Sameiginlegur fundur trúnaðarráðs og samninganefndar 11.01.2024 – skráning :: Joint meeting of the Delegate Council and Negotiations Committee Jan 11 2024 – registration

Skráning á sameiginlegan fund trúnaðarráðs og samninganefndar Eflingar – stéttarfélags 11. janúar klukkan 18 í Félagsheimili Eflingar, 4. hæð Guðrúnartúni 1. :: Registration for the joint meeting of the Efling Delegate Council and Negotiations Committee on Jan 11 2024 at 6 pm in the Efling Community Center on the 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1.

Fullt nafn / Full name / Imię i Nazwisko członka
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. / Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address. / Potwierdzenie rejestracji zostanie wysłane na ten adres e-mail.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur / Re-enter email to prevent typing errors / Powtórz email aby uniknąć błędów w pisowni
Ég er meðlimur í / I am a member of / Jestem członkiem
Merktu við allt sem á við / Tick ​​all that applies / Zaznacz wszystkie pasujące
Staðfesting 11.01.2024
Confirmation 11.01.2024
Potwierdzenie 11.01.2024