13. Jan Kl — 15:00

Kitchen and cafeteria – Vocational course II

— Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi, Digranesvegi 51 — 13. Jan 2025

Dates: 13 January 2025 – 5 March 2025
Days: Mondays and Wednesdays.
Time: 16:00 – 19:00
Duration: Total 60 hours.

Note! The teaching time is until 19:30 when there is practical teaching.

The aim of these courses is to improve the qualifications of employees in doing their assigned jobs in canteens and kitchens. The emphasis is placed on increasing professional knowledge on food and gastronomy as well as giving adults the opportunity for professional education in this field.

The vocational courses I and II focus on communication, computer skills, hygiene and the basics of dietetics and vegan cuisine.

Studying in the vocational courses is evaluated for credits in studies of the food and catering industry, including the study of chef and food technicians.

These courses are intended for Efling members who work in kitchens and cafeterias and they are free of charge.

Registration is online, see the form below. If you need any help with the registration you can contact Efling by phone at 510 7500.


Eldhús og mötuneyti – fagnámskeið – skráning (veturinn 2023-2024)
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