03. Oct Kl — 13:00

Meeting with workers at the Grund homes

— Atburður liðinn — 3. Oct 2023

All Efling members who were laid off as part of the group layoff of the Grund nursing homes are invited to a meeting with the chairman of Efling.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday October 3 at 1 pm in Hótel Örk, Hveragerði.

Meeting guests are kindly asked to confirm participation using the form below.

Félagsfundur í Hveragerði :: Membership meeting in Hveraðgerði
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. :: Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur. :: Re-enter email to prevent typing errors.
Starfsstöð :: Workstation
Staðfesting á komu á fund 3. október 2023.
Confirmation of participation in meeting on October 3 2023.