05. Mar Kl — 18:00

Membership and delegation council meeting 5. March: Solidarity meeting with cleaning staff

— Fosshotel Reykjavík, Þórunnartún 1 — 5. Mar 2025

A joint meeting of the membership and delegation council of Efling is called for Wednesday, March 5th. The meeting will be held at Fosshotel Reykjavík, Þórunnartún 1 in the room Gullfoss and will start at 18:00.

The house opens at 17:30 with refreshments. As usual, there will be text interpretation between Icelandic and English on screen.

The meeting will be dedicated to solidarity with cleaning staff in Efling. Cleaning staff within Efling are therefore especially welcome to the meeting and encouraged to attend in large numbers.

The serious situation regarding the issues of cleaning staff and the main actions of the union in response to reports of unacceptable wage cuts for employees of some cleaning companies will be reviewed.


  1. Status of cleaning staff within the union. Discussions.

2. News from the union’s work.

3. Other matters.

The meeting is expected to end before 20:00.

All union members are welcome to the meeting, but cleaning staff are especially encouraged to attend. Those who wish to register for the meeting are asked to confirm their attendance using the form here:

05.03.2025 Félagsfundur og trúnaðarráðsfundur – skráning :: Membership- and Delegation Council Meeting – registration :: Posiedzenie Rady Nadzorczej – rejestracja

05.03.2025 Félagsfundur og trúnaðarráðsfundur – skráning :: Membership- and Delegation Council Meeting – registration :: Posiedzenie Rady Nadzorczej – rejestracja

Skráning á trúnaðarráðs- og félagsfund Eflingar – stéttarfélags 5. mars klukkan 18 :: Registration for a Efling Delegate Council and member meeting on March 5th at 6 pm

Fullt nafn / Full name / Imię i Nazwisko członka
Vinnur þú í ræstingum? :: Do you work in cleaning? :: Czy pracujesz w sprzątaniu?
Staðfesting á skráningu verður send á þetta netfang. / Registration confirmation will be sent to this email address. / Potwierdzenie rejestracji zostanie wysłane na ten adres e-mail.
Skrifið netfang aftur til að koma í veg fyrir innsláttarvillur / Re-enter email to prevent typing errors / Powtórz email aby uniknąć błędów w pisowni
Dæmi: vegan, hnetuofnæmi, mjólkurofnæmi, borða ekki svínakjöt o.s.frv. / Example: vegan, nut allergy, milk intolerance, don’t eat pork, etc. / Przykład: weganizm, alergia na orzechy, nietolerancja produktów mlecznych, nie jem wieprzowiny itp.
Staðfesting 05.03.2025 / Confirmation 05.03.2025 / Potwierdzenie 06.02.2025
Ég samþykki að Efling-stéttarfélag vinni þær upplýsingar sem ég sendi félaginu með eyðublaði þessu í samræmi við persónuverndarstefnu félagsins. :: I consent that Efling Union process the information I send using this form in accordance with the union’s privacy policy. *