18. Dec Kl — 18:00

Meeting of negotiations committee December 18

— Atburður liðinn — 18. Dec 2023

A meeting of the negotiations committee is called on December 18 at 6pm in the Efling Community Center, 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1. Committee members have received an email with the meeting agenda.

Fundur samninganefndar 18.12.2023 – staðfesting á komu :: Meeting of negotiations committee 18.12.23 – confirmation of attendance

Fundur samninganefndar 18.12.2023 – staðfesting á komu :: Meeting of negotiations committee 18.12.23 – confirmation of attendance

Staðfestu netfang :: Confirm email address
Mæting 18.12.2023 :: Attendance 18.12.2023