22. Nov Kl — 18:00

Negotiations committee meeting 22.11.2023

— Atburður liðinn — 22. Nov 2023

Members of the negotiations committee are invited to a committee meeting on Wednesday November 22 2023 at 6pm in the Efling Community Center, 4th floor of Guðrúnartún 1.

Negotiations committee members have received an invitation via email and are asked to confirm attendance using the form below.

Fundur samninganefndar 22.11.2023 – staðfesting á komu :: Meeting of negotiations committee 22.11.23 – confirmation of attendance

Fundur samninganefndar 22.11.2023 – staðfesting á komu :: Meeting of negotiations committee 22.11.23 – confirmation of attendance

Staðfestu netfang :: Confirm email address
Mæting 22.11.2023 :: Attendance 22.11.2023