15. May Kl — 19:00

Pension rights (English)

— Atburður liðinn — 15. May 2024

15.05.2024, 19-21

A representative from Landssamband lífeyrissjóða (Icelandic Pension Funds’ Association) answers questions posed by the members of Efling, such as: How does the Icelandic pension system work? What is the interplay between the pension funds and State Social Security Institute? Where can I find information regarding my pension rights in Iceland? How can I make plans for my retirement?

The course is available in Icelandic, English and Polish.

The course takes place at Efling headquarters at Guðrúnartún 1 on the 4th floor, and it is free of charge for Efling members.

Registration online, see the form below, or by contacting Efling union by phone, 510 7500, or email to felagsmal@efling.is .

Skráning Lífeyrisréttindi (enska)
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