30. Oct Kl — 19:00

Pension rights (Polish)

— Efling, Guðrúnartúni 1 — 30. Oct 2024

30.10.2024, 19:00-21:00

A representative from Landssamband lífeyrissjóða (Icelandic Pension Funds’ Association) answers questions posed by the members of Efling, such as: How does the Icelandic pension system work? What is the interplay between the pension funds and State Social Security Institute? Where can I find information regarding my pension rights in Iceland? How can I make plans for my retirement?

The course is available in Icelandic, English and Polish.

The course takes place at Efling headquarters at Guðrúnartún 1 on the 4th floor, and it is free of charge for Efling members.

Register using the form below or contact Efling by phone at 510 7500 or by email at felagsmal@efling.is.

Skráning Lífeyrisréttindi (pólska)
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