Kitchen and cafeteria – Vocational course I, II and III

Vocational training

The aim of these courses is to improve the qualifications of employees in doing their assigned jobs in canteens and kitchens. The emphasis is placed on increasing professional knowledge on food and gastronomy as well as giving adults the opportunity for professional education in this field.

The vocational courses I and II focus on communication, computer skills, hygiene and the basics of dietetics and vegan cuisine.

The vocational course III focuses on menu creation, cooking for vegans and people with food allergies and intolerances.

Studying in the professional courses is evaluated for credits in studies of the food and catering industry, including the study of chef and food technicians.

The course takes place at Menntaskólinn í Kópavogi.
These courses are intended for Efling members who work in kitchens and cafeterias and are free of charge.
Register at Efling by phone at 510 7500 or by email at

The courses are taught in Icelandic.

Icelandic support in studies. Tutoring in Icelandic with emphasis on the vocabulary being used in the coursework each week is incorporated into the program.


Registration is online. You can see the next planned courses here below. 

Hólmfríður Erla Hestnes:

“What perhaps surprised me the most is that it’s so easy to make vegetarian food. I thought it would be a mess, but it turns out it’s just the same work with different ingredients!”

These courses are intended for Efling members who work in kitchens and cafeterias and they are free of charge.

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