A school for foreign members

Settlers in Iceland

A school for foreign members of Efling

Landnemaskólinn, The School for settlers in Iceland will start in the autumn for the sixth time. The school is for members of Efling of foreign origin. The main aim of this educational programme is to help members of Efling to further their education in the hope that they will be more efficient and better employees on the Icelandic working market.

This education is designed to provide a deeper understanding of the Icelandic language and society. There is consider­able emphasis on life at the workplace and self reliance. Much of the studies are conducted in project work and participants gather information both inside the school and outside.  They then have to present their conclusions at the end of  each project.

It is assumed that interested members apply for participation in cooperation with their employers and make sure that employees continue to receive their wages while attending classes as school is partly during working hours.

The School for Settlers is funded by Efling educational funds. There will be some cost for the participants, but they can apply for refund of school fees as individual support from Efling educational funds.

The school is scheduled as 120 hour programme from beginning of October on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15.00 – 19.00.

The school is at Öldugata 23 in Reykjavík.

We encourage foreign employees and their employers to consider this offer and to contact the office of Efling for further information.

Telephone: 510-7500, or e-mail, efling@efling.is