In a new poll of Efling members, produced by Gallup, strong support for the union’s demands in collective negotiations is made clear. Nearly 80% of members consider it fair and the same proportion declares readiness to go on strike to push for the unions’ wage demands.It is not least the foreign workers among the membership which support the wage demands. According to the poll, support for the demands and possible strike action is higher among foreign members, and so are expectations for wage rises in new agreements.The poll also shows that financial concerns among the membership have increased since the last poll, produced in August of last year. They increase by 16 percentage points, from 47% in August 2018 to 63% in January 2019. This is the highest proportion we’ve measured in our polls since the financial crisis.Members of Efling who were fully employed were asked by internet polls January 19-26. In total, 4,758 people were asked and 1,350 responded. The questions were weighted by employment sector and country of origin.