The Board of Efling Labor Union expresses its disappointment with the latest stimulus package regarding the Coronavirus epidemic which was announced yesterday, April 21 2020, by the Icelandic government.The new stimulus package does not meet the demands of the union, especial regarding the protection of groups that have been excluded from previous stimulus packages.In a statement on 7 April 2020, the Board of Efling Labor Union noted two such groups in particular – workers who are in less than a 45% job ratio and parents who are forced to work less due to reduced school operations. ASÍ and BSRB brought their concerns to the government regarding these groups. It is regrettable these concerns have fallen on deaf ears.The Board of Efling Labor Union also advises that, due to the large increase in unemployment, unemployment benefits need to be adjusted. The Board reccomends an increase in unemployement benefits and the widening of terms. Specifically this means raising basic unemployment benefits, increasing the proportion of income, lengthening the period of income-related benefits and abolishment of the two week waiting period for basic unemployment benefits, per a previous resolution.The Board of Efling Labor Union welcomes bonus payments to frontline workers. It is of the utmost importance that indespensable Efling members who are working on the front line of this epidemic by cleaning and providing care are not forgotten when distrubuting this bonus. Forgetting these essential workers during this pandemic would be a great injustice.