Education for jobseekers

Back to work

Efling has four short courses for jobseekers, under the heading Aftur til vinnu (Back to work). Classes take place in groups of 14 with two instructors for each group. One or more courses may be selected, depending on the needs of each person.The courses take place at Mímir at Höfðabakki 9. Register at Efling by phone at 510 7500 or by email at efling@efling.isThe courses are available in Icelandic and English and are free of charge for members of Efling.The courses are partially funded by Starfsafl.

What do I have to offer?During this course, students receive the assistance of an educational- and vocational counselor in gathering the relevant records on their skills and abilities in the labor market.

  • Icelandic: September 15th from 9:00am–12:00 noon.
  • English: September 15th from 1:00pm–4:00pm.

Who am I?The making of a CV and letter of introduction is covered under the guidance of a professional consultant.

  • Icelandic: September 17th from 9:00am–12:00 noon
  • English: September 17th from 1:00pm–4:00pm

How should I proceed?Students are taught how to apply for work online, how to utilize and strengthen social networks while looking for work and given practical advice for job interviews.

  • Icelandic: September 22nd from 9:00am–12:00 noon.
  • English: September 22nd from 1:00pm–4:00pm.

How can I use technology to find work?This course reviews how to use job search technology, digital media to promote oneself and word processing programs in order to set up a CV and cover letter. Computer skills are not required in order to attend this course.

  • Icelandic and English: September 24th from 9:00am–2:30pm with a half-hour lunch break.


DROP-INN, drop by for some educational talks, chat and coffee

– Every Thursday from 10:00am–12:00 noonIf you’re looking for work, on vacation or have free time for other reasons, Drop-INN is for you. Drop-INN has interesting lectures, chats and coffee available at Efling’s office at Guðrúnartún on the 4th floor, every Thursday morning between 10:00am and 12:00 noon from September 17th until December.Members of Efling are encouraged to show up for this exciting program. The talks are given in Icelandic with an English on-screen translation. The discussion after the talks will hopefully take place in as many languages as possible!September 17th – Are you looking for work?Ingibjörg Ebba Björnsdóttir, VIRK-consultant at Efling, gives good advice for finding work, discusses the rights of jobseekers and answers questions and concerns of people looking for work.September 24th – ResilienceIngrid Kuhlman, MSc of applied practical psychology (MAPP), discusses the value of resilience in the face of adversity.October 1st – Self-careHelga Arnardóttir, social- and health-psychologist, discusses methods of self-care.October 8th – The World is Getting BetterÁsgeir Jónsson, counsellor, looks at all the positive and constructive things to be found in our environment in a lecture under the heading Heimur batnandi fer (The World is Getting Better).October 15th – Everyday YogaAlicja Natalia Wacowska, Yoga Instructor, will guide participants through simple, everyday yoga exercises.More lectures will be introduced later.