Call for nominations to the Efling council of delegates (trúnaðarráð)

Efling calls for nominations to the union’s council of delegates for the 2021-2022 term.All full members of Efling can nominate themselves or other full members. The union’s selection committee receives the nominations, which should be sent to or via tel. 510-7500 before noon on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. The following information should be provided:

  • Name and kennitala
  • Phone and email
  • Workplace and/or sector (optional)
  • Experience, knowledge or other information you want to provide (optional)

The selection committee prepares a proposal for a membership list of trúnaðarráð. In its selection, experience will be taken into account, but also the constitution of the union by sector, age, gender, origin and other factors.The council has, according to the bylaws of Efling, supreme power of the matters of the union. The term of a new council begins on January 1, 2021, and lasts for two years. The council comprises 115 members along with the union’s board. Its meetings are, as a rule, monthly.