Are you currently unemployed? Would you appreciate advice to improve your position? Are you facing any type of adversity that effects you during unemployment? If so, you might be interestetd in an individual counseling session for Efling members who are currently unemployed.We offer 40 minutes of personal counseling with education and career counselors to discuss your rights, job search, career development and educational resources.You may also request advice regarding available social resources here in Iceland. This counseling session is provided in both Icelandic and English. You may also request an interpreter for other languages if needed, please let us know in advance if you would like an interpreter.Please do not hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity and make an appointment via email at or calling 510-7500 starting 15 January 2021. Please mark „individual counseling“ in the subject line if making an appointment vial email.These counseling sessions will take place every other Wednesday starting 17 February 2021 at Efling‘s main office, Guðrúnartún 1.