An institutional collective agreement between Efling and private welfare providers (SFV) has been signed. The agreement extends to all SFV workers in the following care centres: Ás sanatorium, Eir, Grund, Hamrar nursing home, Hlíðabær, Hrafnista, Múlabær, Mörk, SÁÁ, Sjálfsbjargarheimilið, Skjól, Skógarbær, Sóltún, Sunnuhlíð (Vigdísarholt), Fríðuhús and Drafnarhús.The agreement was renewed according to protocol 4 of the collective agreement from June 18, 2020, where a new wage table is being adopted as of January 1, 2021, which differs significantly from the previous table. Differences between wage brackets are much wider and brackets are added.Minimum raise: 24,000krThe agreement is retroactive as of January 1, 2021, and wages will rise from that point according to the new table. Everyone’s wages rise by at least 24,000kr and to ensure this, staff whose raise is lower get a projected wage bracket which they keep as long as they work the same job within their institution.Both parties agreed to drop night-time wage brackets, but those who are in these brackets continue to enjoy them in the form of wage brackets in the wage table.The brackets for night-time work remain for each worker while they work continuously at their respective SFV institution, but lapse if worker A or B becomes a health care assistant (félagsliði).The brackets do not lapse in cases of raise due to experience, education or responsibility.Read the agreement here.