Efling aims to register a group of members to an online course about the fundamentals of labour organizing in the beginning of next year. The course is organized by the Rosa Luxemburg foundation and will take place on 6 consecutive Wednesdays in the period from February 8th to March 15th, 2023. The team who teaches the course is the same that taught the successful course on collective bargaining which a group from Efling took part in last October. It is led by Jane McAlevey, the world-renowned author and lecturer on effective labour organizing.
All Efling members can apply to attend in the course, but a maximum number of 20 participants from Efling will participate. Those who are interested are asked to fill out the form below, and tick in the appropriate box if they have been union reps, have been on the delegate council and/or have been in a negotiations committee. The group will meet in the Efling community centre and participate in the course using teleconferencing equipment. Food and light refreshments will be on offer and in addition there will be text translation between English and Icelandic.
Information about the course on the website of Jane McAlevey.