Efling signs an collective wage agreement with the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities

Efling Union and the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities (Samband íslenskra sveitarfélaga) signed an collective wage agreement on Wednesday evening, May 17. As in other collective agreements that have been signed, salaries are primarily being raised.

The increase is done here in three ways:

  1. With an increase in the salary scale from ISK 35,000 to ISK 42,500.
  2. Special payments for the lowest wages increase by ISK 4,500 for wage groups 117 to 124, but less for wage groups after that. These special payments are now included in the collective agreement, but were previously in the form of a statement from the relevant local authorities.
  3. At the same time, the collaboration committee agreed on a 3,000 ISK increase in the contribution to the members’ fund, which is paid out in February each year.

In summary, this is an increase in Efling’s members wages from ISK 42,300 to ISK 47,700, monthly.

An electronic election will be held among the employees who work according to the collective agreement. Voting will start at 2pm on May 25, and the polls will be open until 11am on Thursday, June 1. A link to access the the voting will appear here when the voting starts.

Click here to see the agreement