Efling selection committee’s proposal for the board of Efling approved on a meeting of the delegate council

In a meeting on February 8th, the Efling union’s delegate council approved of the following proposal of the selection committee to fill the positions of the board of Efling for the election period 2024-2026, according to article 10 of the union’s bylaws.

The selection committee submits the following proposal for 8 board members for the two year period.

The proposed list of Efling’s delegate council and selection committee is as follows.

Chairman: Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir
Treasurer: Michael Bragi Whalley

Guðbjörg María Jósepsdóttir
Innocentia Fiati Friðgeirsson
Kolbrún Valvesdóttir
Olga Leonsdóttir
Rögnvaldur Ómar Reynisson
Sæþór Benjamín Randalsson

Inspectors of accounts:

Main inspectors:
Alexa Tracia Patrizi
Valtýr Björn Thors

Bozena Bronislawa Raczkowska

Other lists must be accompanied by the recommendation of 120 members. The deadline to submit lists is until noon on February 19th.